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28 July 2010

AH! the summer doldrums...

after designing many but creating few, actual pieces of work, i managed to climb back into the right creating frame of mind. it certainly does get frustrating. but between this incredibly odd summer heat (no, folks- we don't have air conditioning) and shuttling my child to summer school and a job and having the inevitable doctor appointments... well, not much got done. however, a wee bit of meditation~a little centering and focus~ not to mention cleaning more of my work area and now, there are new pieces on my work bench.

i have grown, with practice, to be able to pull myself away from the clamor of the daily noise with the simple trick of sending me to my room. literally. i know it has been done by wiser heads than mine for years to escape rampaging children, but mine is simply to escape life. the creation process begins like a song, but there must always be a first note. and i'll never hear that note until i can hear the silence.

so now i can place beads and precious metals on the mats and they fall into place all on their own. and the song in my head is calming.
i leave you with a bit of me i wrote long ago:

our friendship
like a rose
green and growing
leaves spreading and gathering new life.
the petals are
soft like thin velvet
beautiful, but easily bruised
not without
thorns, for these
add protection
against loneliness.

21 June 2010

Oh my! summer IS here. time has passed again.

it's confirmed. my teenager is home from school for the summer. not a high school freshman anymore, but suddenly a sophmore. time is just whipping by. i count it in pieces that i have made, from my first unsure beginnings with my Sears tools (hey! still got'em!) to my confident and inspired pieces that create themselves. just as my child has grown, so too my work. with a few fits and starts along the way =0)

i remember that i started out being completely fascinated by the brilliance of Swarovski and felt i would never use any other components with my sterling or Bali silver. my designs were generally the simple, elegant colors blends that many enjoy. almost all of the earrings were chandeliers, of course, and the matching bracelets would be over-the-top by today's standards with all of the crystal and silver. i'm sure i short-saled myself on many occasions but i have never regretted maintaining my highest possible standards with regards to findings and components.

but then someone, i honestly can't remember who, introduced me to the world of artisan-made lampwork and gemstones. ahhhhhhh.... a whole new WORLD appeared before me! just as a child learns to read, i was seeing SO much more than i had ever seen before. the endless possiblities.

and the many virtual friends that i have made on this journey are incredible. a few that i have had the real pleasure of meeting and one i treasure beyond all pearls. she knows who she is. =0)

20 June 2010

Finally using what i've been taught

have you ever been to a class and then never used all the great things you had been taught? or at least delayed using that hard won knowledge until you must re-teach yourself. time and again i have done this.

not so this time. having seen a process through to fruition i recreated it today and feel a true sense of accomplishment. 'tis is no small feat.

imagine having fingers that have trouble manipulating buttons; arms that cannot always carry a gallon of milk; shoulders that will not reach up to hug my son. this is what i defeated-something far beyond just using my knowledge.

i used my weakness as my drive. lupus does not always win.

thank you, Howard Siegel and your wonderful daughter Nancy Brickner, for your patience and for believing i could make this Turkish chain. see? i really can!